PTA Clarifies Blocking and Whitelisting of VPNs

PTA may block VPNs in Pakistan

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has addressed recent media reports about the blocking of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). PTA clarified that any blocking is done legally, following the Government of Pakistan’s directives.

They emphasized that VPNs can be whitelisted through an automated process on the PTA and Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) websites. This initiative aims to support IT services and online businesses, ensuring legitimate users can operate without disruption.

The clarification follows comments by PTA chairman Major General (R) Hafeez Rahman to the Senate Standing Committee on IT & Telecom. He stated that PTA has started whitelisting VPNs to prevent unauthorized services in Pakistan.

He also mentioned that a total block of VPNs would harm businesses, which is why whitelisting is a preferred approach.


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