IT Ministry and PTA Address Internet Slowdown in Pakistan: Key Takeaways and Future Steps

In a recent session of the Senate Standing Committee on Information Technology and Telecommunications, held on Thursday, the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (IT) and the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) were scrutinized over the ongoing internet slowdown affecting the country. The meeting, chaired by Senator Palwasha Muhammad Zai Khan, highlighted significant concerns about the impact of these disruptions on Pakistan’s digital economy and e-commerce sector.

Senate Committee’s Concerns Over Internet Disruptions

Senator Afnan Ullah emphasized that Pakistan is grappling with an economic crisis, and persistent internet issues could jeopardize the country’s $3 billion IT sector exports. The committee members, including Senator Humayun, voiced frustration over the departure of e-commerce platforms from Pakistan due to sluggish internet speeds. They also reported difficulties with media file uploads and downloads on WhatsApp, a widely used messaging app.

You have significantly hampered business activities,” Senator Humayun remarked to officials from the PTA and IT ministry.

Official Responses and Ongoing Challenges

During the meeting, Secretary of the IT Ministry Aisha Humera Chaudhry clarified that the internet issues are primarily related to cellular networks rather than WiFi services. Meanwhile, PTA officials claimed they had not received formal complaints about slow internet speeds. The ministry is conducting an assessment, with a detailed report expected in two weeks.

The committee also addressed specific complaints, including poor internet service in Kashmore, as highlighted by MNA Ali Jaan Mazari. PTA officials noted that service disruptions in Kashmore are often due to unannounced load shedding affecting major service providers in the area. A comprehensive report on this issue is anticipated in the next 15 days.

Calls for Sector Expertise and Legislative Progress

Senator Afnan Ullah Khan proposed appointing a Secretary IT from the private sector to bring in more specialized expertise. It is rumored that the new appointment might involve a salary of around Rs. 20 lac. State Minister Shaza Fatima Khawaja confirmed that the proposal is under review by the Establishment Division and will be discussed further in the coming week.

The committee also reviewed “The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023,” aimed at safeguarding citizens’ data. Senator Dr. Afnan Ullah Khan, who moved the bill, stressed its importance as Pakistan currently lacks a comprehensive data protection law. The IT ministry is working on a final draft of the bill after consulting over 100 stakeholders, with completion expected in the next fifteen days.

Virtual University’s Performance and Licensing Issues

The committee received an update from the Virtual University, presented by Rector Arshad Saleem Bhatti. Virtual University has been pioneering the flipped classroom model since 2002 and offers affordable education, charging Rs. 150,000 for an entire BS program. It generates Rs. 7.25 billion in revenue without burdening the public exchequer.

In discussions about LDI/FLL licenses, State Minister Shaza Fatima Khawaja explained ongoing disputes between the PTA and LDI license holders over Access Promotion Contribution for the Universal Service Fund. The PTA issued notices regarding license renewal and arrears, leading to a legal stay order. The PTA is engaging with the Attorney General of Pakistan to resolve this issue.

Conclusion: Moving Forward

The Senate Committee’s meeting underscored the urgent need for resolving internet slowdown issues that are impacting Pakistan’s digital economy. With ongoing assessments and legislative efforts, the government must address these challenges to ensure a stable and efficient digital infrastructure. As the PTA and IT ministry work towards solutions, continued oversight and expert involvement will be crucial for mitigating disruptions and supporting Pakistan’s growth in the digital sector.


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